Topic: common card purpose

Hiya! New here and still in the process of listing all my Magic cards in the database, very impressed with the site in general. I was particularly struck by the way each card has its own page containing a great deal of information. However one of the things that still eludes me, in the case of popular and/or expensive cards, is exactly why they hold the value and who they appeal to - I wonder if it would be possible to have some sort of tagging system for cards, where users can describe the common purpose of a card, IE, "Legacy", "Low Print Run", "EDH" or "Standard 2013/14" or similar labels. Would people consider this unnecessary information? To me it'd be an element that painted an even more detailed picture of the hobby.

(have to admit the question jumped to my lips when I saw that the card "Three Visits" was sitting at $30 while essentially being an alternate art Nature's Lore...)

Re: common card purpose

I think it's an interesting idea. Once the tagging system is implemented - if it were also implemented for the card database - it would be possible to crowdsource these sorts of tags. I don't see this being very high priority though.

Re: common card purpose

This doesn't seem like it would be that difficult. There is already code in place to track cards by number of times traded, number in inventory/wishlist/tradelist. Granted there are a ton of decks on Deckbox, but it seems like it should be feasible to gather data from all of the complete decks (exactly 60/100 cards) and provide percentages for each card.

Edit: As d72B said though, with Sebi being the sole supporter of DB this would take a pretty low priority. =/

Last edited by Kammikaze (2015-01-12 13:53:47)