Topic: Mono-blue pauper EDH

So, I got this idea that a good EDH deck could be built out of nothing but cards under $1 and a cheap commander. With this in mind, I created a mono-blue control deck based around Keiga, the Tide Star (who is the only card in it above $1, weighing in at a hefty $3).

Deck list is here:

Now I'd like your opinion: how can I improve this deck? Keep in mind that with the exception of Keiga, every card has to be under $1 (so, for example, I can't throw in my spare Remand even though it would cost me under $1).

Basic win-cons:
-Commander damage with Keiga in 4 turns
-Taking what I want of theirs if they kill Keiga (or with any of my other ways)
-Shifting Sky, call blue, Faerie Swarm
-Blighted Agent poison victory

Everything else is really just board state control.

Re: Mono-blue pauper EDH

I"m not sure if the graveyard trigger would work with your commander.  Here is the rule:

If a Commander would be put into a graveyard or exile from anywhere, its owner may choose to move it to the command zone instead. Details

    This is a replacement effect; the creature never goes to the graveyard and will not trigger such abilities.  bold type mine for emphasis.
    Commanders will move to the library or hand as normal; only transitions to Exile or the Graveyard may be replaced.

But the rule does say "may" so my thinking is that if you are able to put the commander in the graveyard, you would have to have another card to get it out? I see body double that could at least be a copy of it, but the commander is still stuck in graveyard.. the only card for getting it out would be false demise and it would need to be attached to commander before you let it go to graveyard.
I could be completely wrong in this, and if I am, I will have learned something new, and will be interested to see what others think about this big_smile

Re: Mono-blue pauper EDH

You are right about the rule that says that the commander never enters the graveyard when it dies and goes to the command zone. However, since these cards were created before the Elder Dragon Highlander format, many of their oracle texts have been updated. For example, many legendary creatures have had "is put into a graveyard from play" replaced with a simple "dies" so that their death effect can still trigger as your commander. (A notable exception to this is Emrakul, the Aeons Torn because his graveyard effect says "from anywhere", and is simply meant to prevent using graveborn cards on him. Also, he is banned as a commander last time I checked.)