Topic: (Opinions, standard) butcher/hordchief idea

So this is a deck that I have modified.  It's original had brimaz, stormbreath dragon and a few other goodies that threw off enough players that it was going 3-1 in FNM.. Today at gameday, not so much:/

So I've tweaked it a bit to see if I can do a bit better tomorrow.  I kept my one main winning condition which involves Goblin Rabblemastersacking goblin tokens to butcher of the horde. This seems to be very effective but needs something if I can't get the combo out. So I've added  Brutal Hordechief as a plan b so to speak... use whatever tokens or creatures I can get on the battlefield, attack, and have additional damage due to hordchiefs proc..

Here is the deck:

I'd really appreciate any feedback.. seriously I was in 15th place tonight!!  I haven't done that badly in a long time!

Most were playing really quick warrior decks as well as green/black enchantments.  If you suggest something to add, please also suggest something to take out if possible ----  I have a hard time figuring out what is not necessarily needed.
Thanks in advance if you take a look!


Last edited by sherc027 (2015-02-15 04:47:18)

Re: (Opinions, standard) butcher/hordchief idea

Looking over it, you could probably switch in a couple scry lands rather than Caves of Koilos. Also, since Standard is generally a fast format, you might want to consider sideboarding those planeswalkers in favor of some fast little creatures that you can also sac into Butcher in a pinch. Like Monastery Swiftspears. Maybe even some Prophetic Flamespeakers.

Re: (Opinions, standard) butcher/hordchief idea

Yeah, those caves pinged me quite a bit last night! LOL!  It wasn't such a good idea mixed with mana confluence!
I think you are right about adding the speedy little guys, especially to compete with those warriors. I can always sideboard in my Sorins if the other player is using a more midrange deck.
I found Mardu shadowspear... I think it would fit quite nicely with the Hordchief since it requires loss of life as well when it attacks. Thank you so much for the input!  I have my fingers crossed for today!!


Re: (Opinions, standard) butcher/hordchief idea

So a few thoughts...

1) Mardu Shadowspear really just doesn't do much here.  If you're looking for something to just put in the way to stabilize against aggro, then Typhoid Rats is just better.  But if you're looking at an aggro strategy, well, the curve would need to be flipped and you need to focus on EITHER Butcher of the Horde or Brutal Hordechief but definitely not both.

2) Mogis just seems bad here.  Sure, he could get turned online once in a blue moon and his ping is decent, but realistically Palace Siege is easier to cast and does essentially the same thing with the added benefit of life gain for you.  Alternately, you can have it on khans mode to recur things like Rabbles when they inevitably get killed.

3) Purphoros is just being cute.  The only time in which he's really going to be all that effective is if you're running things like Hordeling Outburst, which I would imagine you don't want to steer toward.  The number of times he'll make a difference is likely few and far between, especially as a 1x.

4) Deflecting Palm strikes me as a SB card, but then again, I haven't seen a single list that uses it to great effect.

5) I'm generally seeing things in your SB that you would likely want maindeck, i.e., Banishing Light or Sorin, Solemn Visitor.  Your SB is also missing any sort of a sweeper like Drown in Sorrow or Anger of the Gods.

6) I'd also think to run with something like Outpost Siege could be effective given the "card draw" it generates for you.  I watched someone run it at gameday and it single-handedly was the reason he won the round.

Decisions will vary based on your meta, but this deck seems caught between trying a more aggressive route or just going with a mid-range strategy.  If you're going aggro, B/W warriors or something to that end would be more effective.  If you're going mid-range, I'd say to be sure to go that route.

Re: (Opinions, standard) butcher/hordchief idea

Yes, I was trying to do too many things with this deck, and quite frankly ruined it:(
It was a fairly strong mid-range deck that went 3-1 at FNM before I decided to add brutal hordchief.. After doing poorly at the first game day, I did a radical change up.  I'm going to try to revert the deck to what I had, LOL.. I"m now thinking a should have kept a list......
There are a lot of Abzan decks at my shop and I think I was trying to put out answers for them however ineffective.
So, I guess my plan now is fix my messed up midrange deck.. and then build an Abzan deck that's competitive smile
Thank you for the input.

Re: (Opinions, standard) butcher/hordchief idea

I do think that Mardu midrange has the pieces to be truly competitive, but you just need to look at the top lists of that strategy to draw inspiration.  Outpost Siege is another pretty solid addition from FRF that can give you some needed card advantage.  Keep with it.  There's no need for ANOTHER abzan midrange player out there.