Topic: Feature idea: Default to the only expansion for one-off printings?

When adding lists of cards to an inventory, it would be nice if the system automatically updated the expansion symbol if that card has only ever been printed in one expansion. This would save a lot of time when bulk adding cards.

e.g. I import a list of cards that looks something like this (Just randomly picking cards here):
1 Arcane Lighthouse
3 Asceticism
4 Arrest
1 Blood Artist

In this example, the symbols for all but Arrest would default to the only expansion they have ever been printed in, and the symbol would be left blank as usual for Arrest (or set to the default as selected in the Inventory Defaults if it has been printed in the selected expansion.)

I assume it would be quite easy to do this as it already does this when adding cards individually?

Re: Feature idea: Default to the only expansion for one-off printings?

Might be nice on inventory, but not on wishlist. I prefer not to specify edition on my wishlist as it is not important to me, and if a card gets reprinted in the future it could lead to confusion.

Re: Feature idea: Default to the only expansion for one-off printings?

drmezmo wrote:

Might be nice on inventory, but not on wishlist. I prefer not to specify edition on my wishlist as it is not important to me, and if a card gets reprinted in the future it could lead to confusion.

This ^

Also if you choose the newest edition on the add to inventory screen it usually defaults to the latest (only) printing anyway.  There are also those people who enter their gold bordered stuff...  (Which doesn't really have a good solution right now anyway).

Re: Feature idea: Default to the only expansion for one-off printings?

This is a feature I was just looking for. I already have a *lot* of cards in my inventory without an edition set. I was hoping to find a way to get any with only one printing to get defaulted to that printing. The rest I'll have to manually edit if I want to spend hours of my life doing so hmm

Re: Feature idea: Default to the only expansion for one-off printings?

I agree that this feature is absolutely needed, and if it creates a problem for wishlists where users don't care about the card's edition, just don't enable it there.

I bet the most common use-case for bulk entry is in Inventory anyway.