Topic: Canada Deck [Modern]


This is my first time posting so I hope I do it right.

My friends and I use to play a bunch of casual magic together in school but now we have all gone our separate ways.  We didn't really follow formats but we all had similar deck building skills.  Now that I don't see them any more I need to fill the magic void that they left.  So now I made a modern deck that I can play at local tournaments.  It is doing alright so far going 3-1 a couple of times but I want to make it better while keeping the idea of getting a scary creature state while maintaining one of my own.  I also like having the answers for most of the popular decks that are out there right now but mostly at my local store. 

Here is the deck:

Like I posted in the topic it is modern and I would be interested to see what other people think.  I would also be curious to see where people might think with the meta most likely changing once the new set is out what I should be expecting to face.

Thanks for reading! big_smile

Re: Canada Deck [Modern]

I'm not going to pretend that I know a ton about modern, but I'm admittedly a bit surprised to see that list doing so well given its reliance on standard legal cards (most of which don't have the power level needed to cut it in modern).

As for the effect of DTK in modern, there haven't been a ton of cards spoiled thus far that even begin to crack the threshold for modern playables.  I'm thinking Narset has a chance, as does Anticipation (not too far off from Impulse which saw play in its day), one or two of the commands might make the cut, and a few others.