Topic: Add cards from set
General info:
I have almost complete sets of cards and is pretty annoying to add card by card when you have complete set.
Feature suggestions name:
Add all cards from set
How it will work:
Clicking on "Add all cards from set" you will have to choose the set.
Let's say you choose "M15" after you choose set you will have radio buttons that will say:
- All
- Partial
If partial is checked you will have checkboxes:
- Black
- White
- Green
- Red
- Blue
- Multicolor
- Colorless
and an input field with label "How many you have" and here as user you can complete how many you have.
How I will use it:
I will click on "Add all cards from set" then select "M15" set then check "All" then I will complete in the input field "How many you have" with 4 and "Submit".
Of course this can be improved, but I think that the idea is clear