Topic: Jeskai Dragons, need feedback

Deck is here

Trying to use combo of descent of the dragons with a dragon tempest in play for hopefully as early as a turn 6 kill with token generation and other controlish cards to help me live that long.
I think the main board is fairly balanced as is.  Sideboard is set up so I can go either removal heavy versus creatures or counter heavy versus spell decks.  Friend of mine mentioned Virulent Plague.  Sideboard has options, wondering if I overlooked other stuff.
Thanks in advance, constructive feedback appreciated.

Re: Jeskai Dragons, need feedback

So your friend is right, you'll have to keep your eyes peeled to see whether token strategies are prominent.  If they're under the radar, you're in the clear, but if they're seeing a lot of play (as I suspect they will with almost EVERY red deck running Rabbles, Dragon Fodder, and Hordeling Outburst) then Virulent Plague will be a royal pain for you.

I'd also suggest looking into the brews out there with Battlefield Thraumaturge and Hour of Need for some added guidance.  I believe Conley Woods did an article about this a week or so ago.  It likely won't be beating the top decks, but you might catch some folks off guard.

I'd aim more for the "big flying tokens" over trying to do the Dragon Tempest combo.  If you can turn a t2 Thraumaturge in to t3 Outburst into a t4 Hour of Need, you're already going to be sitting on 12 flying power... that alone should take care of things for you.

Re: Jeskai Dragons, need feedback

About the Thaumaturge, Hour of need, Outburst idea.  I am wondering if that deck should be made just RU or keep W kicking around?

Re: Jeskai Dragons, need feedback

White gives you access to Raise the Alarm and Launch the Fleet (which pairs rather amusingly with Thraumaturge as many pointed out when it was first spoiled)... whether that gives enough reason to keep the color in there is totally up to you...