Topic: New to deckbox! H:Ports,JTMS many more for trade!

Hello everyone

Newbie here, just discovered the site, looking to build up trade reputation. It's tough being the new guy.

Looking to further my expansion into Modern and Standard. I have a decent list of vintage/legacy cards for trade(JTMS,Rishadan Port,etc) as I don't play much of that format.

Please have a look at what I have, as well as my wishlist, and perhaps we can strike a deal.


Re: New to deckbox! H:Ports,JTMS many more for trade!

Interesting. I would be a little interested in some of your legacy stuff (wishes, therapy, jace, port I guess?) if you'd be willing to trade those. It looks like you're in Vacation mode, so I can't propose a trade, but we might be able to get something working.

Re: New to deckbox! H:Ports,JTMS many more for trade!

Yea, i am out of the country and return next week. Would be glad to trade.

Re: New to deckbox! H:Ports,JTMS many more for trade!

I'm interested in your Cabal Therapies and maybe some of your Ports. Hit me up after your vacation's over. I'm willing to trade from inventory (i.e. shocklands) for Ports. I'll also keep an eye out for Standard stuff on your wishlist specifically to trade to you.

Re: New to deckbox! H:Ports,JTMS many more for trade!

Hello Gang!

Back from vaca, and good to go for trades, go ahead and hit me up.