Topic: Feature Request: Link to profiles in e-mails

In trying to contact people through the site for trading purposes, I've noticed that the e-mails don't contain any information about who the sender or receiver are. That leads to this sequence of events:

- I find someone's profile who has cards I want and wants cards I have.
- I e-mail them to ask if they'd like to trade.
- They e-mail me back to say yes.
- I have no idea who that person is on the site and have to re-find them from memory.

This gets extra annoying when you send out multiple e-mails at once, as I do. Could the e-mail content be contained in a wrapper that includes information about who we are on the site?

Re: Feature Request: Link to profiles in e-mails

Instead of sending e-mail, why not just set up the trade and submit it to them right away? If they're not interested, they can reject it. If they are, they can accept it or modify it and resubmit it to you.

Re: Feature Request: Link to profiles in e-mails

Because I now have 27 trades under my profile, 24 of which have been cancelled because the other person never responded. In an effort to cut that down, I'm trying to contact people first before I bother creating a trade.

Re: Feature Request: Link to profiles in e-mails

Heh, I know the feeling. :-) I have also been frustrated at the time wasted figuring out card prices to see if a trade is worthwhile only to have it never be acknowledged. I just wouldn't have thought that emailing them first would bring about a different result. If they don't respond to the automatic "trade submitted for you" email, I wouldn't expect them to respond to a pre-trade email query either.

I don't really see a great way to fix it, though. Maybe more focus given to whether they want to trade at all when they're creating the account? Maybe some kind of ranking (separate from the good/bad trader one) so you can get a sense from other users that trying to trade with them is a waste of time?

Re: Feature Request: Link to profiles in e-mails

Good point. We'll definitely put a link to the user profile in the email.