Re: nu stiu voi, dar

mie nu-mi place starwars neutral f#*c me, right?

Re: nu stiu voi, dar

My blind friend Jamie has played in many competitive tournaments. He uses a braille typewriter to print text onto his sleeves, so he can differentiate between the cards. His deck rests in one of those clear plastic boxes so that he doesn't knock over his library when drawing a card. Shuffling can be a little cumbersome because the braille text on the sleeves puts bumps and pits onto the normally smooth surfaces.
Anyhow, he's playing at a PTQ and is tutoring through his deck mid-match from a fetchland or some spell. Doesn't matter. Opponent shuffles his deck, and when Jamie puts it back into the clear plastic box the top card catches the side of the box just right and flips over. Opponent can plainly see which card is on top of Jamie's library. Obviously Jamie can't and has no idea there's a problem at all.
Opponent calls a judge. HJ gets called. After some deliberation, they shuffle the library again and the rules require that Jamie gets an infraction.
And that's the story of how a blind man received a warning for Looking at Extra Cards.


Re: nu stiu voi, dar

Silviu wrote:

My blind friend Jamie has played in many competitive tournaments. He uses a braille typewriter to print text onto his sleeves, so he can differentiate between the cards. His deck rests in one of those clear plastic boxes so that he doesn't knock over his library when drawing a card. Shuffling can be a little cumbersome because the braille text on the sleeves puts bumps and pits onto the normally smooth surfaces.
Anyhow, he's playing at a PTQ and is tutoring through his deck mid-match from a fetchland or some spell. Doesn't matter. Opponent shuffles his deck, and when Jamie puts it back into the clear plastic box the top card catches the side of the box just right and flips over. Opponent can plainly see which card is on top of Jamie's library. Obviously Jamie can't and has no idea there's a problem at all.
Opponent calls a judge. HJ gets called. After some deliberation, they shuffle the library again and the rules require that Jamie gets an infraction.
And that's the story of how a blind man received a warning for Looking at Extra Cards.

Nu știu dacă e nostim sau nu. Încă nu m-am chiar hotărât. Cred că depinde de perspectiva tragico-comică.

Re: nu stiu voi, dar

Makes me want a copy even more.

Re: nu stiu voi, dar

FNM promo Iulie:

Damn, now that's a promo!!!!

Re: nu stiu voi, dar

Storm Crow 7th Edition = 80$ ...ok guys...



Re: nu stiu voi, dar

Re: nu stiu voi, dar … e=homepage


Re: nu stiu voi, dar

ALWAYS PASS THE RARE: … grand-prix

Re: nu stiu voi, dar

I don't blame the guy. Singura chestie buna din pack era Burst Lightning.
De asemenea, ala e un foil Goyf cu stampul de T8 (singurul in existenta). Batem pariu ca in 3-4 luni o sa fie minim 700$?


Re: nu stiu voi, dar

Silviu wrote:

I don't blame the guy. Singura chestie buna din pack era Burst Lightning.
De asemenea, ala e un foil Goyf cu stampul de T8 (singurul in existenta). Batem pariu ca in 3-4 luni o sa fie minim 700$?

I don't blame him either, but still - if I were a pro player in his seat I would have taken the Burst Lightning - As fi preferat sa am o carte care sa-mi dea cele mai bune sanse sa castig top8-ul in loc sa iau the sweet value. In schimb, intr-un draft necompetitiv as fi luat goyf-ul fara ezitare.


Re: nu stiu voi, dar

stiu, si eu am glumit.
ce e forate tare e reactiile de la so-called "pro" players pe shitter, gasiti linkuri daca faceti scroll mai jos pe thread

Re: nu stiu voi, dar

As a side note, cineva a mentionat ca diferenta dintre sferturi si semifinale e de vreo 500$(impozitabili).
De asemenea, in top 4 in general se face split la bani.
Nu-l pot invinovati pe om. Packul a fost destul de prost pentru el.
Daca era o rara bomba acolo, atunci as fi avut dubii, dar asa pentru un burst lightning, mi se pare meh.
Eu am citit mizeriile ce le-au debitat aia. Nu stiu daca era pura trolleala sau o ciuda ca au ratat top8-ul si ala a fost extrem de "casual" si a draftat rara.
In orice caz, din cate am citit, asta Maynard e semi-pro sau ceva de genul? As in, are facturi de platit, drumurile lui la alte GP-uri de asigurat si nu primeste invitatii la PTuri, unde i se da 5k$ pentru simpla prezenta( daca tot se caca pe ei atatia pros).
Iar apare un shitstorm cum a fost cu tipul ala care a fost condamnat pentru viol.



Re: nu stiu voi, dar

this kinda sums it up...


Re: nu stiu voi, dar

Mmmmm, holier-than-thou pro attitude. Smells like publicity and bullshit.

Tipii aia care shitstormuiesc au o pozitie de aparat, ca-s vazuti ca 'pro players', si pot vedea locul unor comentarii de genul in situatia asta.
Otoh, they could have simply said nothing and leave the guy alone...

This kind of jackassery disgraces pro players. Sincer, nu m-as fi asteptat la asa reactii.

Re: nu stiu voi, dar

Mda, disproportionate reactiile unora (Huey, Turtenwald, Reid Duke). Intr-adevar, daca nu esti platinum-pro cu o droaie de sponsorizari si cartea aia iti plateste pentru un GP (la care altfel nu te-ai fi putut duce) e perfect normal sa optezi pentru value. It's not like Maynard threw a match for money or something.


Re: nu stiu voi, dar

este deja pe ebay: … 1911963536

Re: nu stiu voi, dar

la 800 deja, lol. as zice ca da, as face acelasi pick si eu smile)

Re: nu stiu voi, dar

1250...daca ajunge la 4k...cred ca o sa le pice fata la aia ce au comentat. smile)



Re: nu stiu voi, dar

si 50% merge la charity

Re: nu stiu voi, dar

1580 smile

Re: nu stiu voi, dar

2025 Just for the lols

Re: nu stiu voi, dar

2225 smile for lolololols


Re: nu stiu voi, dar

Acum m-am gandit... Toti jucatorii aia "pro" care il injura pe Maynard... doar ii fac reclama. A devenit un soi de shitstorm, cum zicea Silviu but......
Lumea ajunge mai usor sa afle de cartea aia foil ultra-hiper-super-duper speciala. Apar oameni interesati. Mai sunt 6 zile de licitatii si deja e la $2275.

Cum era aia cu nu exista reclama negativa, doar reclama?


Re: nu stiu voi, dar

holy makaroni, 16.5K!