Topic: H: Fulminator Mage W: Shocklands, Fetchlands, Reasonable Offers

I don't play Modern so I am hoping to trade my Fulminator Mage for some nonbasic lands. I have a clear preference for shocklands and fetchlands, but I'm happy to take a look at just about any offer.

Right now I'm also looking for some random promos and foils to fill out a cube so those would be the only other things on my wishlist.

Re: H: Fulminator Mage W: Shocklands, Fetchlands, Reasonable Offers

I've got some promos and lands off your wishlist. Can't start a trade with you though

Re: H: Fulminator Mage W: Shocklands, Fetchlands, Reasonable Offers

I have a GTC Breeding Pool if your interested in finding the something else to get  to the Fulminator Mage.