Topic: Selesnya Elf Renown

So, in light of new spoilers, what do you guys think of a Selesnya Elf Renown deck that runs 3-4 Archangel of Tithes with ways to protect it from burn/death?

Re: Selesnya Elf Renown

You dont have to worry about burn really. They would have to waste 2 cards to just to deal with your one creature, so you are still kinda ahead. Kill spells will always be a problem so unless you are going to run any number of Gods Willing, Center Soul, Valorous Stance, Ajani's Presence or Feat of Resistance (damn, there is actually alot). Though with out seeing full spoilers it is hard to tell if Renowed is going to be good or not.

Re: Selesnya Elf Renown

I know, but for some reason i feel mono green or green splash any color is going to be good cos elves are in play. The deck Im thinking is a Selesnya Aggro without going over 3-4 cmc or so; more only if the rampproves useful into a big creature thats not say a dragon from THS or KTK. Unless theres a Selesnya dragon idk about?

Re: Selesnya Elf Renown

Dromoka is a Selesneya dragon...

That said renown works well with the bolster ability guys and should make up a solid deck.  Avatar of the Resolute would also be great in there.

Excuse the brevity of my response, I'm using my phone.

Re: Selesnya Elf Renown

Dromoka is Selesnya? O_O i checked colors and didn't notice, though I've decided to try an obtain this list, minus foothills and thoughtsieze. Also trying to figure out if it'd be worth it to run Managorger Hydra SB? Thoughtsieze I replaced with Duress, but someone told me it doesn't fit this build; also trying to fit Thornbow Archer in MB as well.

GB CoCo Elves
4 Elvish Mystic
4 Elvish Visionary
3 Deadbridge Shaman
2 Nissa, Vastwood Seer
3 Gnarlroot Trapper
4 Dwynens Elite
2 Sylvan Messenger
3 Dwynen, Gilt Lead Daen(legendary)
3 Obelisk of Urd
2 Yevas Forcemage
4 Shaman of the Pack
4 Collected Company
4 Llanowar Wastes
4 Temple of Malady
9 Forest
3 Wooded Foothills
2 Swamp
4 Thoughtseize
2 Self-Inflicted Wound
3 Deadblight Assassin
3 Reclamation Sage
3 Plummet