Topic: Want: Arabian Nights, Antiquities, Legends. H: duals, legacy, cash

Hi deckbox,

I've decided to try to complete some old sets - Arabian nights, antiquities, and legends. I have a lot of the commons and some other misc cards from those sets, but I need most of the uncommons and rares. It's hard to find them locally. I could just plop a bunch of money down on TCG player and buy them, but I figured some of you out there might have them to trade.

If you've got a bunch of (english only) cards from those sets, I'm willing to trade down, even from stuff not currently on my tradelist, if you're willing to give extra value. For example, I might trade a Bayou or for $250 worth of $<5 cards, or a Wasteland for 10 random $10 legends. (I've got JTMS, Force of Wills, dual lands, LEDs, Gaea's Cradle, etc, I just keep my inventory private at the moment).

I'm also happy to buy at prices < TCGplayer, but trading for them seems more fun.

Set up a trade if you're interested.

Re: Want: Arabian Nights, Antiquities, Legends. H: duals, legacy, cash

If for some reason you decide you want to drop the cash on a set of Legends - I'm local to you and have a nearly complete set I'd move.   It needs maybe ~$50 in cards smile

Re: Want: Arabian Nights, Antiquities, Legends. H: duals, legacy, cash

Still looking for more offers!