Topic: UB standard mill
hi all i'm trying to build a blue black mill deck, any suggestions? thank you!
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hi all i'm trying to build a blue black mill deck, any suggestions? thank you!
Ok, As some one who loves mill decks I will start with one huge disclaimer:Mill decks are hardly going to be super competitive. You might win a few games here and there but if is very little chance that you will win a FNM with a mill deck
Beyond that, I would say you need 3 Ashiok main deck. You are running no creatures so you will want something to kinda protect yourself with by stealing the opponents creatures. It is also a free mill 3 per turn so that's nice. You also have only 4 ways to get around Demonic Pacts lose the game ability so I am not sure what this card does for you except to lose the game turn 8 if played turn 4. I also think you need to move up to 26 lands minimum with this kind of control deck.
Do you have a win condition outside of Mill? Mill is usually better as a secondary win condition as you try to play the average control match. Counter spells and wrath effects and get into the grindy game where you have the time to wear them out.
Send to Sleep would be better off as more counterspells or being turned into lands
I am not sure what else there is to say.
well i'm running 2 Shifting Loyalties in my sideboard
they could be an alt win con and another way to get rid off daemonic pact.
yeah i'm also unsure about winning fnm lol.
the only reason i'm not running ashiok main is because i have no creatures so i have nothing really to protect it but yeah it could be a good way to get some protectors.
what about removal spells? you think i ran enougth off them? should i run diffrent one's?
Take a look at an average U/B control deck. They run no to 2 creatures. The whole point is that your counter spells and your removal will take care of the creatures that would attack you or your Ashiok (which your Ashiok acts kinda like a fog since they will try to take her out and not swing at your life.
As for removal, you need a lot more then what you have. 6 removal spell in main is not good at all. You need more. A lot more.I would do 3-4 Bile Blight and if you are running Drown in Sorrow, I would only run one in main. You also need more Languish and also Crux of Fate.
Your lack of counter spells also really worries me. Like I said, a mill deck is usually just a full control deck that happens to mill opponents with a couple of cards as they say no to their opponent all game. You also want Dig Through Time more then you want Treasure Cruise