Topic: Features to add

Whether these go under premium or not, I think these are all good features that should be added to the site. If all were added I would surely buy premium as the "Edition Checklist" thing is not enough to draw me to pay. I am coming from the view of someone using this site to catalog my collection for insurance purposes as well as simply knowing which cards I have, which I don't, and where they are. If many of these features are streamlined, added, and could be automated by a POS I could even see stores using this to inventory their collection. Ranked based on rough levels of importance:

1) Ability to one-click add 1x-4x of each common and uncommon from a set, 1x-4x of each rare, and 1x-4x of each mythic. My current strategy has been to buy a playset of each common/uncommon on set release so I never have to worry about it. This would make inputting to deckbox much easier and let me really only focus on sorting the rares.

2) Ability to one-click create an excel or google sheets spreadsheet of your inventory, tradelist, specific decklists, etc. This would be huge to be able to auto-generate a spread sheet with prices and card names/quantities instantly that I can send to my insurance agent if/when big price updates or changes happen. Could also be used by people looking for specific cards to print their wishlist and stick it in the front of their trade binder.

3) Better inventory search/add features. It would be nice to use the "deck" feature to help identify where on my shelf my cards are. I sort my commons and uncommons by set, but have separate boxes for rares, foils, and foil lands. Search options that let you filter your inventory by things like rarity, set, foil-ness, language, etc. then one-click add those cards to a deck would be huge. On the inventory page it should also be able to say which deck you have the card in when you hover over the "total number in decks" column. So if I have 6 Swords to Plowshares, one is in my EDH deck, 4 in my legacy deck, and 1 is in my revised box I should be able to hover and see that info.

4) Similar to #1, for each boxed product (Commander, intro decks, ftv, etc.) there should be a "bought it" button that auto-adds every card in that product to your inventory in the language you specify.

Any other ideas welcome.

Re: Features to add

I would like to be able to pull up a single color like "blue" then organize by type , so I can see an alphabetical list of sorceries, then instants etc. I like to do this without having to hit "color" then hit next page 21 times to get to my blue.
A jump to page # box would also be a huge help.:D
It would also be an advantage to selct cards then "move them to a different folder" for example take all red cards move them to a red folder !:D
The "add cards by text list " needs to be able to recognize series abbreviations so you don't have to go through and manually edit the series for every card entered that way eg: "4 Blah blah of blah alr" alr for Alara etc. Many collection management sofware has standard codes for each series.
I'm in the process of entering 8462 cards and the text option is the fastest way to enter them  but having to go back and reenter or confirm the series for each card is EXTREMELY TEDIOUS , I have a good dose of OCD but this pushes it beyond limits.
Also being able to organize just a color such as "multicolor" or "gold" gives the abilty to go through them in a resonable order currently when you get to your multi color cards they are organzed by the color in the casting cost which leaves the in a barely decipherable order .
As an example I organize my cards by color then each color by Sorceries, Instants, Enchantments, Creatures.
I do this for Multi color "Gold" as well

Last edited by NZA (2015-08-30 21:13:45)