Topic: exporting tradelist in csv

when i export my tradelist, it adds the Count row as first, then followed by Tradelist Count.
could it be possible to make the Count (the sum of tradelist+inventory) optionally selectable column and rename the actual Tradelist Count to Count.
99% of the time, it is irrelevant if i have some copies in my inventory of a card from my tradelist

Re: exporting tradelist in csv

juzer wrote:

Count (the sum of tradelist+inventory)

You may be misunderstanding something here. Inventory is the total of all copies of every card you own. The tradelist consists of cards you own (that are in your inventory) that you are willing to trade. So Count = Inventory.
For example: I own 4 Lightning Bolt. I'm willing to trade 0. Count = 4, Tradelist Count = 0.
Ex2: I own 5 Lightning Bolts. I'm willing to trade 1. Count = 5. Tradelist Count = 1.

That being said, I agree that the Count (inventory) column certainly could be made optional as one probably only cares about the number on their tradelist when exporting it.

Also, Count should probably be renamed to Inventory as that's actually what it is.

Last edited by Kammikaze (2015-10-05 18:23:03)