Topic: H: Flip Jace, Ojutai, bitterblossom, soulfire w: russian ulamog, Ugin

Hi there! I've got some (hopefully) fun stuff to trade and I'm looking to work on standard ramp and modern tron.    I'm looking for 2x russian ulamog, the ceaseless hunger, a pair of Ugins, some Karns, Hangarbacks and others.  I might be open to trading from normal inventory, though it depends on what it is.  Also my standard inventory hasn't had everything added to it of late, so if you're looking for something or more of something, just ask and I'll look:). Thanks for stopping by!

Re: H: Flip Jace, Ojutai, bitterblossom, soulfire w: russian ulamog, Ugin

Hey I've got a Russian Future Sight Grove of the Burnwillows if you're doing RG tron.

Re: H: Flip Jace, Ojutai, bitterblossom, soulfire w: russian ulamog, Ugin

Very cool!  Send me a message if I have anything that interests you.