Topic: Needing Advice on my budget W/U

Please see the note in my deck list... I want to keep this standard and cheap...

Re: Needing Advice on my budget W/U

I will try and get a better write up when I have a chance, but the biggest flaw I see is that you need more lands. Bad. If you wanna run the expensive creatures you are running you need at least 25 lands. Next big thing is that you need to not do 2 of ever thing. Focus on what you want to do and do 4 of each card that helps achieve that.

Last edited by valdor (2015-12-29 15:48:14)

Re: Needing Advice on my budget W/U

Your deck also seems unfocused. What is your win condition and how do you achieve it? I see three separate win ideas fighting in there. Are you doing a W/U flying wheenies deal? If so where is thunderbreak regent? and why so much HUGE stuff?

If you're doing a mega morph dragons thing how do you get there and why so many non dragon wheenies?

If you're doing a Controlly Enchantment grow/Narset win con then why the dragons and the wheenies?

Like wise your Sideboard doesnt seem to be a set of cards to combat decks in the meta but just a bunch of generally good cards.

Focus your side board on major decks you will have trouble with.

Re: Needing Advice on my budget W/U

First off thank you for the replies. @TRZ that is exactly the kind of feedback I was hoping for (constructive criticism). And Valdor you made me quickly re-evaluate having alot of high mana cost creatures, something I always tend to do when building decks. I have a hard time saying no to a creature that has alot of power regardless of his mana cost.
Thunderbreak is red so I don't wanna put him in here and worry about mana fixing. And the main idea of the deck is to have Dragons (or other creatures with flying, since almost all dragons are expensive mana wise) build each other up and take control of the battlefield while preventing my opponent from wrecking me beforehand with something like an aggro deck (hence the bounce and tap target creature spells).
Also I like to be able to draw cards. That's why i've put things like Refocus and Bone To Ash in. Bone To Ash also works for a counterspell obviously (if only Counterspell was Standard legal hmm ).
I kinda feel like the approach I took (although only halfway meaning to) slows/stops my opponents midgame though I don't have much of one myself.
But I wanna build up mana for those larger dragons to be morphed and put counters on all my dragons and then fly in and kill my opponent with 2-3 hits.
I guess my goal is to prevent them from winning before I can do that.
Any further advice is greatly appreciated. Thanks.

Oh and feel free to comment on the actual deck page vs the forum... whatever is easier.. thanks again.

Re: Needing Advice on my budget W/U

Erg lost most of a post. *sigh*

I mean Thunderclap Wyvern Sorry! XD

I'd look at something like:

8x 1 drop Fliers
~8x 2-3 Drop fliers
4 Thunderclap Wyvern
4 Halimar Tidecaller (?? The Blue Creature that returns awaken cards to your hands and gives your land creatures buffs)
~6-10 Awaken Cards (Roil Spout, Scatter to the Winds (the 3 mana Blue Counter), and Sheer Drop? (the White removal.)

Filling the rest in with Counter/Removal as  you see fit (the counter 4 CMC card one seems good these days)

Then you maybe splash alittle black or green so you can drop in the Hexproof or Lifelink Man land (if you wanna get fancy smile )

I can play around with a deck I might play if thats helpful. Im not a standard pro but I tend to do well in local events.

Re: Needing Advice on my budget W/U

TRZ wrote:

Erg lost most of a post. *sigh*

I mean Thunderclap Wyvern Sorry! XD

Oh thats a good call

I would also look into Silumgar's Scorn if you want to great counterspell since you are running so many dragons. It is basically