Topic: entire collection changes

I'd like to know the chances of changing an area of cards like tradelist entire collection, a searchable criteria, to all  the same of something, like condition/language or whatever?

Re: entire collection changes

Thanks for the answer admins, much appreciated.....

Re: entire collection changes

There aren't "admins." There is 1 guy, Sebi, the site owner and developer. Regardless, being flippant toward the admins of any site is unlikely to garner any positive responses.

As for your request, I think it would be a worthwhile addition to the site and should be added to Sebi's (probably lengthy) to-do list.

Re: entire collection changes

Is there some other way to submit ideas so that he will for sure read them and get some sort of response?

Re: entire collection changes

Not really at the moment. Just bumping a topic until he responds is fine. Being the only person working on the site he has a lot to manage.

Re: entire collection changes

I do try to read the topics in the forum even when I do not have time to respond. There is also a big topic stickied here, called PLEASE READ that says that the main support avenue for interaction are the support tickets, not the forum anymore as it is difficult for me to keep track of the forum communication all the time smile

Mass card actions are not directly possible right now, and are a bit tricky to implement in a non-confusing UI way (or at least I do not already have an idea on how to do it nicely).

As a workaround, it is possible to export the collection to CSV  and do batch changes in Excel or other spreadsheet program, and re-import.

Re: entire collection changes

I still want to do batch changes at some point, but currently it's not quite at the top of the todo list big_smile