Topic: Search cards of completed trades

Is it possible to search through just the cards of trades you've completed? If not, is it something that could possibly be implemented?

I sometimes come across something in my collection here that seems out of wack from my physical collection, like I have a card listed here that I can't locate physically. It makes me think that I either misplaced the card, traded it to someone in person and forgot to update my inventory here, or something happened where I did trade it here and either erroneously "corrected" my inventory, or it didn't get updated during the trade for some reason. If it is either of the latter two scenarios then being able to locate it in a completed trade would be very helpful, but clicking through and looking at each and every completed trade would take far too long.

Anyway, that is the reason I'm asking if this feature is available and I have missed it somehow, or if it could be created. Thanks!

edited for spelling

Last edited by Mavrick593 (2016-02-29 19:32:39)

Re: Search cards of completed trades

+1. Searchable trade/sale history would be nice

Last edited by d72B (2016-02-29 17:53:29)

Re: Search cards of completed trades
