Topic: Help using deckbuilder

Say I add a list of cards to the deckbuilder,

How can I change or enter different editions of cards. I have MM Aether Vials, this just entered Mirrodin as the default, and I can't figure out how to change it, or enter it correctly to begin with.

Re: Help using deckbuilder


Re: Help using deckbuilder

You can not, as far as I'm aware. What you can do is change the edition you have in your inventory, but the cards in the deck editor always show the last important printing, it's just for the sake of rarity.

Re: Help using deckbuilder

This is on this to-do list of the site owner/developer.

Re: Help using deckbuilder

Awesome, great to hear! I'm loving Deckbox, and am moving most of my records to it. I have all my cards in inventory for trading and home owner's insurance reasons, but it would just be nice to be able to say, if something happened, I had so and so deck out at that time, these were the exact cards that something happened to.

Luckily the deck tool is smart enough to know the cards are in your inventory in some edition at least. Say for Aether Vial, I have MM Aether Vials. Those aren't what are displayed in the deck tool, but it IS smart enough to know I have Aether Vial's and doesn't put them on the buy list.

My foil Zendikar Islands however....=/ it's not smart enough...I'd rather have the $20 islands listed than 9 cent latest island printing.

Thanks for the feedback!

Re: Help using deckbuilder

Did this ever get added by chance?
I am adding in some decks my buddy gave me and I would like to have the editions that he built them with.
They are old school and I would love to surprise him with a flashback by browsing the linked deck.

Re: Help using deckbuilder

No, really if you want to see  the value right now you can export the deck and your inventory, then use excel to vlookup the correct value/edition into the spreadsheet.