Topic: Probably an exceedingly silly question

But is there an easy way to see what is on people's wish and tradelist in this group in bulk?

I can click through individually and see through their profiles, but I was just wondering if there was an easier way than that.

Thank you.

Re: Probably an exceedingly silly question

I found out what my problem was, but I'll post the answer just incase someone else is as dumb as me.

I needed to change my settings to be willing to trade worldwide, then on the main page where you can see what trades are available to you, there is a drop down which you change to Reddit MTG trades.

Re: Probably an exceedingly silly question

BTW, that shows up even if you set your trading radius to "My Country".  So, unless you're actually willing to trade worldwide (which generally doesn't make much sense, given how expensive shipping can be), you may want to just set it to that.

Re: Probably an exceedingly silly question

He's from Australia, and he is willing to ship worldwide I'm sure.