Topic: Wont reactivate my account

So I was using an old hotmail account, and forgot to ever change it. Stopped playing magic for a year, started using deckbox again recently, never changed my email back. I now get an error saying my account is inactive and I have to change my email account. Changed my email account, got the reactivation code, clicked it. I get the same error. If I press any button on the site, including contact or help, it sends me to my profile with the error, which it probably shouldnt since I definitely needed help, or to contact someone.

Can someone help me out here? I get it's my fault for not updating my email address, but I've tried to fix the error and update it now, and it won't let me.

There's a chance it is working, and just takes some time, but if that is the case then there really should be a message saying something of the sort, insteadof the same error message I was recieving before.

Re: Wont reactivate my account

It's been 24 hours, would be nice if someone could help me. I have 16 messages from people I'm currently trading with with no way to read or reply to them, no way to contact them and tell them whats happening, and now way to even get to the help and contact pages since it just redirects me. I'm not sure why you would redirect people from the help and contact pages, it makes no sense.

Re: Wont reactivate my account

For anyone reading this, this was solved by a very helpful person at Deckbox, and they have fix the error where users who were redirected from pages like help and contact back to their profile.

Re: Wont reactivate my account


You should be able to access the contact & help pages.

When you changed your email address, did you get a new activation email? If so, do you get any message when you click on the activate link?