Topic: Value of Premium?

There are a few features I might use if I had access to them, like deck tagging, marking decks built, and the Scratchpad. But they're not worth $4-5/mo. I'm not entirely sure what the actual value (in a utility sense, not monetary) is of being able to mark a deck Built or EDH, and for scratchpad, well, I seldom build sideboards, since I mostly play casual or draft, so if I need to attach a note to a deck of some cards I'm considering including, I can just put them in the sideboard.

Is the primary value of a Premium account for people that play at a competitive level and do a lot of buying/selling/trading?

Re: Value of Premium?

As with most everything, Premium is worth whatever you are willing to pay. I personally had it for the first year plus a few months and there are a lot of really nice features. The biggest ones for me were notes on cards in decks, the compact view mode (for my cube), the checklist pages, and being able to attach photos to cards. I am now at the point where these don't apply to me as much, plus my budget is a little more tight with a home remodel underway so I let my subscription expire. I could certainly see myself picking it up again sometime.

I do want to add that outside of premium, this site is free. I saw my initial buy into premium as a donation to a great site that I've gotten a ton of use out of. Significantly better value than funding Pucatrade's indiegogo then getting the ridiculously awful "future site."

Last edited by Kammikaze (2016-11-26 13:13:13)

Re: Value of Premium?

Sorry, I don't mean monetary value. Honestly, $5/mo isn't actually that bad.

Is there a practical, utility value to premium for a casual player who's just a bit anal retentive about keeping track of their cards, or is it primarily valuable to people who play competitively and do a lot of online trading?
(I actually rather like pucatrade on the rare occasion I decide to do some trading)

Re: Value of Premium?

Ah, gotcha. I would agree that for most deckbox users Premium won't provide a ton of value.

Puca itself is perfectly fine for what it is, but the Future Sight upgrade was anything but an upgrade imo.