Topic: [AER] Spoilers!

Re: [AER] Spoilers!

Nice counterspell you have there!

Re: [AER] Spoilers!

Rarres wrote:

Nice counterspell you have there!

at last, something strictly better than Voidslime!

Re: [AER] Spoilers!
we heard you hate gideon in standard so we made a card so you can gideon before actual gideon

Re: [AER] Spoilers!

I know it's no longer spoiler season buuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuut I do want to rhetorically ask the following question: why the actual phuck did WotC print a new set with another overpowered piece of crap Vehicle in the form of Untethered Express?!?! WHY?! Crew 1. Trample. Attacks=gets permanent +1/+1 counter. Yay. I look forward to games where I die to it extremely quickly. Like 2 attacks and it's over.

Re: [AER] Spoilers!

Rarres wrote:

I know it's no longer spoiler season buuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuut I do want to rhetorically ask the following question: why the actual phuck did WotC print a new set with another overpowered piece of crap Vehicle in the form of Untethered Express?!?! WHY?! Crew 1. Trample. Attacks=gets permanent +1/+1 counter. Yay. I look forward to games where I die to it extremely quickly. Like 2 attacks and it's over.

chestii care prind trenul mare (doar din setul asta):
Thopter Arrest
Ice Over
Fatal Push
Daring Demolition
Perilous Predicament
Pacification Array
Take into Custody
Leave in the Dust
Baral's Expertise
Destructive Tampering
Dispersal Technician
Release the Gremlins
Natural Obsolescence
majoritate merge si on the draw, si este in range de common/uncommon
fatul ca trenul e UC, o sa vezi ~2/draft (?) on average
din experienta nu este foarte mare threat early game, la pre-releaseuri cand am pus pe masa a mancat aproape imediat un removal

Re: [AER] Spoilers!

Plus Fragmentize, Grasp of Darkness, Harnessed Lightning (pt ca vei avea mai mult de 3 energy counters), si costa 4, nu 2, si nu are block trigger ca Looter Scooter. Nu e nici pe departe asa o aberatie ca Smuggler's Copter.

Re: [AER] Spoilers!

In limited e first pick win the game. La fel ca trenul mic e o prostie. Asta e si necomun deci cine il deschide are cam +10% sanse sa castige fiecare meci.

Re: [AER] Spoilers!

radu_portase wrote:

In limited e first pick win the game. La fel ca trenul mic e o prostie. Asta e si necomun deci cine il deschide are cam +10% sanse sa castige fiecare meci.

Bine zis, Radule. Greșeala mea a fost că am omis referirea strict la limited.
La toți ceilalți care zic că sunt răspunsuri pentru el: sunt. Dar trebuie să le ai R.P.D. altfel ai căcat steagu'. Nu discutăm de alte formate în afară de limited.

Re: [AER] Spoilers!

radu_portase wrote:

In limited e first pick win the game. La fel ca trenul mic e o prostie. Asta e si necomun deci cine il deschide are cam +10% sanse sa castige fiecare meci.

E bun, dar e 4 mana si ataca numai tura 5. Mare diferenta fata de Renegade Freighter, plus este o gramada de artifact removal acum. Vehiculele par bombe dar pica repede

Re: [AER] Spoilers!

Pentru orice e removal, daca e sa o iei dupa removal nu mai joci nimic ca moare smile

There are 10 kinds of people in the world, those who understand binary, and those who don't.

Re: [AER] Spoilers!

darkyndy wrote:

Pentru orice e removal, daca e sa o iei dupa removal nu mai joci nimic ca moare smile

Clar, eu ziceam doar ca nu e asa de OP trenul

Re: [AER] Spoilers!

Cred ca e mai bun ca Renegade Freighter. +1/+1 counter vs +1/+1 until EoT, plus Crew 1 vs. Crew 2. Da, e mai scump cu 1 mana, dar devine tot mai greu sa raspunzi la el dupa 1, 2 atacuri a.k.a it snowballs way better.

Cu Freighter-ul ai de regula un free attack in turn 4 fiindca nu se intampla des ca adversarul sa aiba blocker de 4 power, dar sooner or later tot ti-l poate opri punand ceva on board. Cu trenul asta nou, mai greu, because it gets bigger and stays bigger. Ca sa nu mai zic de noile sinergii care au aparut cu +1/+1 counters... Totusi, it's a premium uncommon, but by no means unstoppable. E foarte mult removal in AER tinand cont ca-i un set mic.