Topic: Checking full MTG series completeness

I posted this topic in the MTG subforum,
But realized this is a site related question, so here goes:

I'm new here, was a regular Magic player 16 years ago, stopped playing it, and last week I just really felt I wanted to pick it back up, so here I am big_smile
Anyway, question, and I couldn't find a thread with a similar question (or my internet search skills really are bellow expectation).
As much as I like playing Magic, I also have a bit of a collecting thing when it comes to things I like.
I started adding the cards I bought over the past week to my inventory, all of them from the Shadows over Innistrad and Eldritch Moon, I havent even started cataloguing my oldschool stuff, that's for when I have a lot more time.
Anyhow, is there a way to look at , for example, the complete Eldritch Moon collection, all cards, and quickly see which cards I own and which I am missing ?
Thanks people

Re: Checking full MTG series completeness

Easiest way it probably to create a "deck" on here that lists the entire set like this one:

You can make a copy of that one if you click tools in the top right.  Then you should be able to see which cards in the full set aren't in your library highlighted in red.

Re: Checking full MTG series completeness

Thank you very much,
Excellent idea