Topic: Difficult to add Sentinel card.

Hello again,

It's rather difficult to add the Sentinel card to your MTG collection, as it doesn't show up in the list of selections when you type it in. There are too many other cards called "***** Sentinel" that the plain old Sentinel from Antiquities/Chronicles doesn't show up in the list. The only way I've managed to add them to my collection is through the Import Multiple Cards function.

Re: Difficult to add Sentinel card.

I think any card that exactly matches the text being typed in should be bumped to the top of the autocomplete list.

You can do an advanced search for any card with sentinel in the name, then modify the inventory/tradelist/wishlist columns from the search results table, but as you say that is rather more difficult than most other cards.

Re: Difficult to add Sentinel card.

Yep, good idea. Exact matches should be on top. Will implement.