Topic: W: Scalding Tarn, Snap H:LotV, Fetches, TL

Hey all,

Looking to fill out a modern deck.  Looking for:

3x Scalding Tarns
2x Snapcaster Mage
3x Cryptic Command
1x Misty Rainforest

2x Cavern of Souls (AVR)
1x Liliana of the Veil
1x Verdant Catacombs
1x Twilight Mire
and others!

Re: W: Scalding Tarn, Snap H:LotV, Fetches, TL

I have a Snap, but it's Innistrad.  Interested in Catacombs.  Still interested?

Re: W: Scalding Tarn, Snap H:LotV, Fetches, TL

Yeah! I prefer MM3 but INN is great as well.

Re: W: Scalding Tarn, Snap H:LotV, Fetches, TL

If you want to swap versions of snaps, half of my playset is MM3 and I much prefer the INN version...