Topic: Mod changed feedback

Sebastian Zaha changed six pieces of feedback I received from two people in the same town from positive to Neutral without first bothering to ask any questions other than to accuse us of being the same person. Clearly addresses would indicate we aren't, as would checking IP's, or just asking the question first, but nope, he just changed feedback, and when asked about it said "well, it doesn't make a difference."

It does make a difference. Rightly or wrongly neutral feedback is perceived as "not positive". You guys don't want us to leave feedback with people who happen to live in the same city but do mail trades then fine. It's not like I need the rep points. But don't actively make accounts look worse because the mod can't be bothered to do simple investigation or ask questions. My account now actively looks worse due to laziness.

Just remove the feedback.

Last edited by DoctorHydrogen (2017-05-26 20:42:33)

Re: Mod changed feedback

For what it is worth, I agree with you that a conversion to neutral is not the best solution here.

It sounds like a case could be made to build something on the back-end of the site that allows Sebi et al to re-classify trades. I'm guessing that there isn't an easy way to change a mail trade to an in-person without directly interacting with the site's database. I think (but I'm not positive) that just removing the feedback then allows feedback to be re-entered by the users based on how the application handles the feedback checks.

That said, I know that if I see neutral (or negative) feedback on a profile I always take a quick look at it - I instinctively did that with yours. The edited feedbacks (and the age of those trades) would not dissuade me from trading with you, if that's any consolation. But I get where you're coming from.

Re: Mod changed feedback

Yeah, it seems weird that the site has the option to do in person trades, yet not allow that feed back to count. Setting to neutral seems like the wrong call. If