Re: nu stiu voi, dar
cred ca toti suntem de acord ca atunci cand Lilu joaca chestia asta the game goes on and on and on
Last edited by nightride (2017-06-29 15:27:20)
Re: nu stiu voi, dar
Re: nu stiu voi, dar
Limited is one of the best formats, but keep in mind that it is sometimes skill-intensive, sometimes high-variance, but never both! Any games you win are because you are an incredible player, wrecking in this skill-intensive format. On the other hand, if a highly-skilled near-pro like yourself is losing, it must be because the Limited format is high-variance garbage, your pool was garbage, or the cards you were passed were garbage. That’s why Limited is so much fun: you get to either prove that you’re the best or that the format is terrible!
Re: nu stiu voi, dar
Re: nu stiu voi, dar
Acuma sigur o sa fim 8 la draft in fiecare vineri /s
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Intrebarea e ce o sa fie dupa Fatal Push promo?
Re: nu stiu voi, dar
Intrebarea e ce o sa fie dupa Fatal Push promo?
foil double-sided tokens, because we all needed those!
Re: nu stiu voi, dar
Am fost foarte surprins dar reactia generala aici (Anglia) e pozitiva, Wizards vrea ca FNM sa nu fie competitiv. Daca te gandesti, majoritatea cartilor promo au fost f naspa. Mai bine un double sided cool token decat un reverse engineering. Nu prea vor promo-uri ca Aether Hub, Fatal Push etc., pentru ca FNM devine mult prea competitiv. At least, that's what they say
Re: nu stiu voi, dar
Aia e faza, ca in Anglia e alt environment, e mult mai multa lume, si ai pe cine sa imparti in casuals si competitivi.
Eu in Cluj n-am mai prins draft la fnm cu 8 oameni de la primul draft de amonkhet.
E clar ca multe promos au fost meh, dar tokenele sigur nu sunt upgrade si nu o sa aduca un boost in attendance. iar ceva imi spune ca in septembrie o sa fie bataie pe locuri.
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Re: nu stiu voi, dar
Re: nu stiu voi, dar
Re: nu stiu voi, dar
Bwahahahahaaaaaaa! Cât de tare, fratele meu! Unde rahat ai găsit-o?
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Fa-ti cont pe reddit
Sursa (cred, sau cel putin aici am vazut eu imaginea initial) : gic_cards/
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nici nu trebuie cont, eu citesc in browser pe calculator, si pentru tableta folosesc applicatia "reddit id fun"
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Have You seen the pirates crewing ships looking for treasures on seas filled with merfolk in a prehistoric realm claimed by dinosaurs who get their blood sucked out by thirsty vampires?????
Did I forget some shit? Might be possible?
Grixis pirate EDH. Oh boy, oh boy oh boy...... I am having a hard-on!
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Re: nu stiu voi, dar
Re: nu stiu voi, dar
Re: nu stiu voi, dar
Re: nu stiu voi, dar
Fun fact : Exista o singura carte in magic la 14 mana. Face untap la artefacte.
Re: nu stiu voi, dar
Fireball X=13?