Topic: New to deckbox and I have a Burning Inquiry ;)

So, my question is this: How can I search all of deck box and find all the players that just want a specific card without comparing it to my wishlist or a specific card? I have soome EDH staples that I want to trade off (Rhystic Study, Aura Shards, etc.) I have over 100 cards on my wishlist but none of them really line up with people who want Rhystic Study's (for example) So I just want to be able to see who out there is interested in these cards and peruse their tradelist so I can see if something pops into my head that isn't already on my wishlist. Does this make sense? Is there any way to do this? Thanks in advance!!

Re: New to deckbox and I have a Burning Inquiry ;)

So on your profile you should see link called "Trading Opportunities".

Once you get to that page, you can go to the "Im willing trade" filter. In the dropdown menu that comes up, if you select the "Specfic cards" filter and pick a card your willing to trade and hit apply, it will search Deckbox for all people who have that card in their wishlist. You can then go to their profile and check their tradelist to see if there something that catches your eye.

Re: New to deckbox and I have a Burning Inquiry ;)

Thanks for the reply Helios!

Unfortunately, when I follow those instructions, it's not working out for me. I can choose the drop down menu where it says "I'm willing to trade" > "Specific Cards" > "Rhystic study"  (Just using this as an example again) but then there is also a drop down menu that says "I'm looking for" and no matter what I pick on that option, it isn't showing me the complete list of players on the site that are interested in those cards.

Unless of course there are only 9 people interested in Rhystic study and 6 people interested in Aura Shards?? I'm not sure, but that seems unlikely. Again, I appreciate your help with this. I love this site and how it's working out so far, it just would be great to get something like this figured out!

Re: New to deckbox and I have a Burning Inquiry ;)

It is important to note a few things about the filters on the trade opportunities page.

1.) Every filter is an AND, not an OR. So if you put in both Rhystic Study, and Aura Shards, you will only see the users that want BOTH cards, not all users that want EITHER card. Similarly, if you put in a specific card that you are looking for, it will only show you a user that both has that card, and wants Rhystic Study. As such I almost never use both on the same search. Also be mindful of the other search criteria at the top of the page. The defaults are generally ok on those, but sometimes I'll drop the minimum of 5 feedback filter to pick up a couple extra options.

2.) The search is not particularly intelligent when it comes to versions of cards. If you specify, for example, the prophecy version (default) it will only show users that have specified the Prophecy version in their wishlist. It will not show users that don't have a version specified. As such, when I just changed from Prophecy Rhystic Study, to unknown version Rhystic Study, my opportunities just jumped from 11, to 3 pages. That said, specifying unknown version will show all users that have any version of the card, so you will need to check each user that appears on this search, and make sure they don't have the Commander's Arsenal version specified. (I just quickly did that search, and only 5 users appeared, so most of those 3 pages don't have a version specified.) Not particularly relevant for a card that's only been printed twice, but could be significant for a version that has a dozen printings.

Hope that helps!

Re: New to deckbox and I have a Burning Inquiry ;)

Hey EpicWally, that second point helped open up my options a lot! Thank you! Still no way to peruse everyone who wants Rhystic Study, but it has shown me that there are numerous people out there who want them and have stuff I'm after. big_smile

Re: New to deckbox and I have a Burning Inquiry ;)

Glad that helped. Still not sure what you mean about it not showing everyone though. The following deckbox users won't appear in this search:
-Those set to vacation mode
-Those set to "not trading" or "only trading locally" in their trade preferences
-Those in other countries/continents that are only set to trade within their country/continent respectively.
-Users that don't match your filters you specify. (Last online, trade score, successful trade %.)

I would suggest, especially if you're new, to bump the trade score down to 0. Especially if you are making smaller trades, trading with other new members to build rep is a good idea. I wouldn't touch the last online, as those that haven't been on in 2 weeks are probably inactive for an extended period of time, but maybe worth a shot. If you propose a trade to one of them, they should at least get an email, so you might get a response. More than likely though it'll just sit in your pending trades for a few weeks and you'll end up canceling it out of frustration. (That happens a lot, even with "active" users. Don't take it personally, some people just suck at trading and being responsive.) I'll sometimes bump the successful trade % down to 90, as it's possible someone with a relatively low number of trades had one go sideways because of a PO problem or something, but always look at their successful trades, and the reason for the negative feedback before pursuing a trade.

The deckbox community as a whole is only so big. I have dozens of friends that play Magic, and none of them have DB accounts (at least I don't believe any of them actively trade through it. I'm working on encouraging them though.) 3 pages of results for people looking for Rhystic Study doesn't seem that unreasonable to me. It only sees play in commander. Look up a card like Scalding Tarn that's relevant across basically all formats, and you'll find hundreds of people looking for them.

Re: New to deckbox and I have a Burning Inquiry ;)

Well, from what I can tell, deckbox will only show me one of two things

A) People who want Rhystic Study and have cards on my Wishlist


B) People who want Rhystic study and have a specific card or cards

What I really want is to just see all the people who want Rhystic Study, regardless of whether or not they have cards on my wish list. Once I had that list of people, I could check out what they have to trade and see if there's anything that caught my eye which wasn't already on my list. Hopefully this makes some sense, lol.

Re: New to deckbox and I have a Burning Inquiry ;)

Ohhhh, I see the disconnect. Admittedly, the "I'm looking for" filter is a bit of a misnomer. It does show you people that are looking for rhystic study that have nothing you want. Just look at the "can give/receive" column. You will see people that have a N/A in the receive column. They will be towards the end of the list, as the users will be sorted from highest to lowest of the smaller of these two numbers. These users want a rhystic study, but have nothing on your wishlist.

Re: New to deckbox and I have a Burning Inquiry ;)

Oh, okay. I do see that now! Well thanks again for your patient and thorough explanations! lol

Re: New to deckbox and I have a Burning Inquiry ;)

No problem! Glad to get it resolved for you.