Topic: Build Decks for Inventory Search

1. I am on the free trial for premium.
2. I marked two of my decks as "Built"
3. I go to my collection and i notice that there are zeroes in the "Built Decks" and "All Decks" columns

**I would expect to see that number of cards that are being using in built decks so i know what pool of cards I have to work with without taking said decks apart.

Am I missing some step to accomplish my task?

Thank you

Re: Build Decks for Inventory Search

I'm a little unsure of your question. Are you saying that there are zeroes in those 2 columns for cards you have in the decks? Or zeroes in those 2 columns for all your other cards?

If the former, that would be a bug.

If the latter, then if I'm understanding you correctly, you were expecting to see how many cards are left over after the built cards are subtracted? E.g. If you own 6 Lightning Bolts but none are in decks, you expect those columns to display 6. If you add 4 to a deck, those columns will then display 2. Was that your expectation? I apologize if I'm misunderstanding you.

As you may have already figured out, after further exploration of your own, is that those columns actually display the sum of a given card in decks, not the difference left over -- you'll have to mentally calculate that yourself. So in the above example, the column would go from displaying a 0 (0 Bolts in any decks) to 4 (4 Bolts in decks).

Note that with Premium, you can also choose whether to share cards between decks or not. If you share, then having 2 decks with 4 Bolts each will only show 4 in the Deck Column, whereas that column will show 8 if you don't share.

Re: Build Decks for Inventory Search

I have the same problem. I have premium, and my decklist count also shows zero on my inventory page. When I click on a card, it shows which decks it's used in, but the count shows as zero in the column. It shows zero for every card, despite me having a number of decks built. Toggling sharing of cards between decks didn't affect it.

Re: Build Decks for Inventory Search

meldon44 wrote:

I'm a little unsure of your question. Are you saying that there are zeroes in those 2 columns for cards you have in the decks? Or zeroes in those 2 columns for all your other cards?

If the former, that would be a bug.

If the latter, then if I'm understanding you correctly, you were expecting to see how many cards are left over after the built cards are subtracted? E.g. If you own 6 Lightning Bolts but none are in decks, you expect those columns to display 6. If you add 4 to a deck, those columns will then display 2. Was that your expectation? I apologize if I'm misunderstanding you.

As you may have already figured out, after further exploration of your own, is that those columns actually display the sum of a given card in decks, not the difference left over -- you'll have to mentally calculate that yourself. So in the above example, the column would go from displaying a 0 (0 Bolts in any decks) to 4 (4 Bolts in decks).

Note that with Premium, you can also choose whether to share cards between decks or not. If you share, then having 2 decks with 4 Bolts each will only show 4 in the Deck Column, whereas that column will show 8 if you don't share.

Thank you for your reply!

The Former is what I'm trying to explain.
1. I have 6 lighting bolts in my inventory
2. I but 4 of them in a deck that i have marked Build (White Lego Piece Icon)
3. Going to my inventory I would expect to see the number 4 in the "Built" Column (white lego Piece) for the lightning bolt. 6 in inventory 4 in built decks. So when making a new deck I can see that I have 2 lightning bolts left without taking about a built deck.

Last edited by Bonesaw90 (2017-08-23 12:34:00)

Re: Build Decks for Inventory Search

Oh goodness! Yes, this is a bug, and must be a recent one, as I JUST got off Premium less than a week ago and didn't have this issue.

Since I'm not on Premium, I cannot verify this issue. Could both of you (and anyone else) report the issue by opening a support ticket? Go to Help and click on "Contact, Support, & Feedback" from the left side (I'd link to it directly, but it's just a popup dialog, not a full page).

Re: Build Decks for Inventory Search

Ok, I will open a ticket. Thank you!

Re: Build Decks for Inventory Search

I thought I was crazy and also not understanding how this worked, but I am also having the same issue.

Re: Build Decks for Inventory Search

Sorry for the bug, and thank you for reporting. Found & fixed it now smile

Re: Build Decks for Inventory Search

Awesome, everything looks like it's show up correctly now. Thanks for the quick fix !!