Topic: H: MTG W:Warhammer AoS

Hey Hey
Looking to get into Warhammer: Age of Sigmar and am hoping that I could trade MTG to get into it.
Let me know if we can work something out.
Thank you for your time!

Re: H: MTG W:Warhammer AoS

I have extra units that I'm not using if you'd be interested in those a unit of stormcast retribution hours, a unit of stormcast prosecutors and a battle line of 10 liberators of stone cast. Approximately $100 MSRP.

Re: H: MTG W:Warhammer AoS

Very interested! If I have anything in my tradelist that you might be interested in, let me know!

Re: H: MTG W:Warhammer AoS

Opened up a Ultimate Masters Blister Pack and updated my Tradelist