Topic: Feature Request: Remove Edition From Sort

There might be a better workflow way to do this, and I'm open to suggestions.  However, I find myself getting more and more familiar with the site and hoping to find a way to accomplish this.

In the inventory, I'd like to be able to remove the edition for the purposes of sorting.  If I want to know, for example, how many counterspells I have regardless of edition that's not terribly difficult to do, for a single card.  However, if I want to, for example, sort by price, I currently have no real way to say I don't care about edition for this particular view, I just want to know how many of this card I have, in the context of being able to sort it by other factors (price mainly, but even quantity).

Re: Feature Request: Remove Edition From Sort

I can see the usefulness of this when wanting to see the total quantity for a given card, e.g. you want to see which cards you own more than 2 playsets of (regardless of edition) so that you can get rid of the rest. In such a scenario, it would be useful to sort by the Count column but with other qualities ignored. In the ideal version, you'd be able to choose which qualities to ignore and which not. For instance, you might not want to include foils in that count, since you deal with them separately. Same goes for language. Or, you may not care one bit about any of those things, and you want to combine cards no matter their edition, condition, language, and foiling.

I don't see how useful it is with something like price, since price can often be very dependent on which edition a card is from (things like it being an old, low-print-run set or a unique art for that card can drastically increase the price of a card; for example, the Guildpact art of Godless Shrine costs twice as much as its Gatecrash and Allegiance variants, while a $3 Underworld Dreams costs $80 when it's from Legends). Even if cards WERE collapsed and sorted by price, which price would it default to using -- the high or low price?

In any case, the following guide is how you can achieve it manually.

  1. Export your inventory to CSV.

  2. Make a copy of that file as a backup; store it somewhere safe.

  3. Open the other copy of that CSV in Excel.

  4. Delete any columns that you don't care about.

  5. Save and exit.

  6. Back on Deckbox, in your Inventory go to Tools > Remove Everything. (Don't worry; we have the backup from earlier!)

  7. Go to Add Cards > From a CSV File and import the file you edited above.

  8. Play around with it to your heart's content!

  9. When you're done, Remove Everything again and re-import from the original backup. Done!

If you do this type of filtering often, but don't add/delete cards from your inventory often, then I recommend keeping the edited CSV file around for later use. In fact, you could make multiple versions of it — one that ignores foiling, one that keeps it distinct, one that ignores language, one distinct, and so on — based on your specific needs.

Last edited by meldon44 (2019-05-01 23:55:05)

Re: Feature Request: Remove Edition From Sort

Good news! Due to a recent site update, this process just got a WHOOOOLE lot easier! See the revised steps. I've already tested it out and it worked without issue for me.  smile

Re: Feature Request: Remove Edition From Sort


This "kind of" works but still isn't *quite* what I'm really trying to do.  It's close enough, but not being able to keep the edits that were done when sorting this way is the part I have to keep track of manually.

As an EDH/CHLDR/ETC. player, keeping one of basically every card that isn't complete garbage has some value, and it's difficult when I'm trying to decide what to put in my trade folder to know if I've got one or not without being able to go through this process or look up every individual card.

Not an easy solution, but this does help, and I appreciate the time in the write up.  Still wish it was a little better integrated into the site though.