Topic: Modding Devour for Power (EDH / Commander)

Hey guys

I recently started playing EDH and bought the Devour for power deck.
I want to modify it but i have absolutely no idea how, the most important thing for me is that all the cards work together.
pretty much like they do now, but slightly improved...

Any ideas?

Re: Modding Devour for Power (EDH / Commander)

I have been playing a BUG EDH deck for many years and have refined it many times.  Here is my current list:

Whether this exact list will work for you or not depends greatly on the other decks you normally play against. This list is a solid competitor in multi-player and head-to-head EDH games.  It does particularly well in long games given the amount of recursion the deck provides with Genesis, Eternal Witness, Crystal Shard and Erratic Portal.  However, it still has the power to win games with brute force due to ramp and some heavy hitters.  There are a few slots I am not happy with and should remove, like so:

Avatar of Woe (Casts for 8 at least half the time and just gets killed right away)
Raven Familiar (I always have something better to do than pay the echo and there are more efficient ways to draw cards)
Betrayal of Flesh (I never entwine and I usually just need the removal, 6 is too much to kill a creature.  Could be good if you play a lot of one-on-one's though)
Argentum Armor (too much mana)

I would gladly add Damia, Sage of Stone from the Devour for Power deck; outside of her, and maybe Cultivate, the remaining cards from the devour for power deck are simply not as good. 

I know that doesn't exactly answer your question so let me just say this.  Devour for Power has a few good spells in it but the deck is entirely unfocused.  A portion of the deck is dedicated to mill while the other is dedicated to beatdown.  If you happen to draw an even mix of these strategies, which will happen most of the time, you're going to have a tough time winning.  Pick mill or beatdown but not both; then remove the cards that don't fit your focus.  If you go the beatdown route, the decklist I laid out above is a good list.  If you want to go mill I recommend playing U/B instead of U/B/G.

I look forward to your reply.