Topic: Portal Demogame and Coldsnap Theme Decks

I've acquired a lot of cards from these two sets and so far I've only seen them in the database.  Any plans to incorporate them into

Last edited by mtluperjr (2012-01-17 00:09:04)

Re: Portal Demogame and Coldsnap Theme Decks

This site gets its card database directly from the Wizards of the Coast database, Gatherer.  Gatherer does not distinguish between "Portal" and "Portal Demogame"; perhaps because the lines are a little grey as to whether Portal Demogame is an official edition/set or just a pre-made package.  I am pretty sure it's the latter based on the description at StarCityGames where it states that it is a pack of cards from the "Portal" edition. 

If it were me, I would just treat the cards as though they are from Portal as there is little difference and I would rather organize my cards the way WoTC does.  The exact same logic applies to the coldsnap preconstructed decks. 

For whatever reason, WoTC treats some preconstructed decks as sets and others not.

I couldn't say whether intends to incorporate these missing categories or not but my guess is that they will continue to organize cards in the same way Gatherer does.

Last edited by Tawnos (2012-01-17 23:03:19)

Re: Portal Demogame and Coldsnap Theme Decks

Yeah, it's interesting how there are so many different types of promo cards that don't appear on most price/set list sites.

It would be very hard to add each single card to such a data base as this one, and not really worth the bother as such information is really only useful for more serious collectors.

However, I recently found this site which has some really interesting information about the rarer cards out there.

Re: Portal Demogame and Coldsnap Theme Decks

Yep, in the absence of a clearly structured (and official) definition of these promo sets on Gatherer, it's pretty hard for us to incorporate information from third party websites, that needs verification, etc.

I am right now leaning in favor of suggesting custom tagging as a solution for this. After we will support custom tags for cards, we'll try to implement it in such a way that advanced collectors could just put a custom tag (e.g. named 'Portal Demogame Promo Set'), and that way other collectors that know what that is, can see the information easily, without that specific promo set existing as a separate edition on deckbox.

Re: Portal Demogame and Coldsnap Theme Decks

That sounds like an intriguing solution, Sebi.  I look forward to seeing it implemented.