Small clerical error: On the Spirit // Boar token, the card note for the Spirit face lists #004/008 (KHC) instead of #004/023 (KHM) like it should be. The note is correct on the Bird // Spirit token.
On a more important note, something to maybe address before people actually start adding these cards.... In past commander products with double-faced tokens, you've listed the individual token faces first in the Extras edition (corresponding to their printed collector number), then followed them with the double-faced tokens. I think it would be best to stay consistent and have KHC do the same, especially since you know at some point someone is going to ask for the single sides to be added. But if you add them later, following the double-faced tokens, we're going to have Bird (#001) listed at the #10 spot in the Extras edition, which makes no sense. So I propose you go ahead and add them now, and bump the double-faced tokens up in number.