Topic: Crimson Vow Commander, Secret Lair

- fixed collectors number of Secret lair Crash Through to 591 (was 594)
- imported Crimson Vow Commander cards
- imported various missing Secret Lair cards

Re: Crimson Vow Commander, Secret Lair

Thank you!

Looks like 556 Swamp and 569 Mountain are both still missing (here a link to images:

Also, could Viscera Seer be moved to 801 or 901 or something? It's currently a duplicate #11.

Last edited by Solseek (2021-11-18 17:24:00)

Re: Crimson Vow Commander, Secret Lair

Thanks again Sebi for all the work you do!

Do you have an idea when promos for CV will be available to load in?

Re: Crimson Vow Commander, Secret Lair

Thank You! Can you please add Secret Lair, #556 Swamp

Noble Hierarch

Re: Crimson Vow Commander, Secret Lair

Thank you for your efforts! That's awesome!

Re: Crimson Vow Commander, Secret Lair

Commander deck CSVs have been added.  smile

Sebi, the commander deck token information is listed in the Wizard's article. Hope that helps!

Re: Crimson Vow Commander, Secret Lair

Crimson Vow Commander set cards don't seem to have legalities set up, not sure if this is just on my end or already addressed.

Re: Crimson Vow Commander, Secret Lair

Grails wrote:

Crimson Vow Commander set cards don't seem to have legalities set up, not sure if this is just on my end or already addressed.

Should be fixed now, thank you for reporting the issue.

Re: Crimson Vow Commander, Secret Lair

Hamlet Vanguard doesn't have a pre-release promo option in the inventory

Re: Crimson Vow Commander, Secret Lair

It seems that Secret Lair Swamp #556 (SLD) is missing

Re: Crimson Vow Commander, Secret Lair

Mountain SLD 569 is also missing. Thanks.