Topic: Oracle updates

The card rule text was very out of date so today everything was brought in line with the newest oracle text. Let me know if you spot any issues.

A few problems with badly rendered mana symbols in rules text in some cases were also fixed.

Re: Oracle updates

Thank you so much.  This has bothered me for years.

I've noticed a issues with creature types.  Hounds haven't been updated to dogs, and Pyrexian wasn't added to a ton of cards.

Last edited by BearIncorporated (2022-04-21 17:48:39)

Re: Oracle updates

This is huge! Thanks a lot!

Re: Oracle updates

As someone who very recently raised this question about updating Oracle text, this is great news. Thanks, sebi!

Just from a quick search for "Hound", it looks like there are 79 that didn't get updated to "Dog":*

Last edited by MMJuno (2022-04-21 19:27:30)

Re: Oracle updates

thanks smile

Re: Oracle updates

Is this update why Llanowar Elves no longer sorts in decks as a creature card (as of Time Spiral Remastered it's both a creature card and a token)?

Re: Oracle updates

I've noticed in the last few days looking at my decks that some creatures and enchantments are no longer sorted within those card types but now sort in a blank card slot.

For example, Thassa, Deep-Dwelling doesn't sort as a creature and Elspeth Conquers Death doesn't sort as an enchantment.

Re: Oracle updates

Also having issues with various cards not sorting in deck lists properly. Hoping this does not become a longstanding issue.