Topic: Searching Improvements

I am a user in this site since 2018 and I can say it's a very good database to keep track of your collection and decks but, it needs a dark theme and most of all since it's basically a database type site it need a more advanced search tools. One of my ideas is to include multiple keywords like most advanced searching tools. For examble, it's very very difficult to search for card to "return [***] from your graveyard to the battlefield" because there are cards that phrases it as "return it to the battlefield" or "return [***] from opponent's graveyard to the battlefield", so many different phrases. I need to keep the keywords "return,graveyard,battlefield" and search for those only.
If any other users have the same thought on this topic please write your thoughts and ideas on this topic, it will help us all.

Re: Searching Improvements

Exactly this. I don’t know if there’s ever been an official answer to this, I don’t see anything mentioned in the site documentation. I think this forum could use a stickied post explaining what is and is not possible when searching through your inventory. Not only answering the question above, but also mentioning some of the cool features / potential syntax that already exist that a lot of users might not know about, like selecting colors for lands and getting lands back that produce that color (even though the lands themselves are technically colorless) and using {} to search for mana symbols (like {W} to represent a white mana symbol).

Re: Searching Improvements

I'd love to see this too.  I also find it odd that I have to search for a double sided card by typing the correct side first.  I should be able to search for a card no matter which side I type in first.