Topic: Suggestion to make the website better.

Adding the feature to automatically change the price for the condition is an excellent feature.

1. Other change I would like to see added is if the set symbol, grade or language is missing from the card, that price is not added to the trade value.
There are a few users out there that don't use these same of these details, and they should need to. And most times it's talked about in the chat.
It always feels like the grade is going to be poor, or the wrong set or language.
2. I would also like a more detail information about how to grade the cards. Star City games has the most details on how to grade cards at
Complete with pictures for many situations. But none for Lightly Played (LP) category.
3. If a cards version is foil only like O-Kagachi, Vengeful Kami from Commander 2017 for example, it should automatically be added as foil, not changeable.
Tatyova, Steward of Tides comes in x3 versions in Dominaria United, unless you have the card telling the different between the Textured Foil or Showcase can be easily mixed up.

Last edited by The_Dark (2023-08-25 20:39:35)