Topic: Changing feedback?

Is there a way to modify the feedback I left for someone?  I left someone a comment but forgot to change it to a +1.

If it doesn't already exist, a way to do this should be added, and if there is one, it needs to be easier to find.

Re: Changing feedback?

I'd like to add to this, I was left a negative feedback by mistake and the other user sems to be at a loss on how to change it...

Re: Changing feedback?

Same issue here, accidentally left a user with -1 and there's no way for me to fix this. There should absolutely be a way to change feedback. The trade in question here:

Re: Changing feedback?

Hi guys,

As discussed by email, we've removed the accidental feedbacks.

This is a little bit of a delicate issue, as changing feedback seems like something easy to abuse. I am not too sure how bigger sites do that, and if they allow it at any time, but I will check (by bigger sites I mean ebay etc).