Topic: Oh lord do I need Darkslick Shores.

You're my only hope at this point!

Make my esper spirits complete!

Re: Oh lord do I need Darkslick Shores.

My advice would be to update your profile on Deckbox to say what of your inventory you are willing to trade, and add the Darkslicks to your wishlist along with anything else you need. Then you could post in the Trading thread on Reddit tomorrow, drawing attention to your lists!

I posted for the first time last week and ended up with loads of proposed trades. Good luck!

Re: Oh lord do I need Darkslick Shores.

Sorry I'm trying to use them in a deck too.

Re: Oh lord do I need Darkslick Shores.

I might have some. Will check tomorrow morning. Some might be Chinese >_>.

Re: Oh lord do I need Darkslick Shores.

If you've got loads, I'd like 'em too smile

Re: Oh lord do I need Darkslick Shores.

I've got some shores smile There's definitely some stuff in your list I would trade for, how many do you need?

Re: Oh lord do I need Darkslick Shores.

I have a playset. Looking to trade them all at once.

Edit: Although 3 Darkslicks for 2 Snapcasters works out quite nicely.

Re: Oh lord do I need Darkslick Shores.

I found a trade for them already. I am looking for Phantasmals too, if anyone has those