Topic: Altering trades

This is a question and could be a feature request.

When making trades, it would be nice to make it a draft before proposing. I started to make a trade request but I kept wanting to alter the cards. I needed to leave and think on some stuff and when I came back, the other person had already altered what they wanted from it. I never proposed or anything to them.

So my question is if someone offers a trade to me and I want to alter it, but I can't finish altering it, is there a way to cancel and revert it back to it's original state? Or rather if I close it out and I made changes, is the program going to assume to the other person I proposed a new deal when I really didn't?

I hope I'm explaining this right. That sounds confusing, but I don't know how else to put it.

Re: Altering trades

I think I understand what you mean. You would like to use the trade for a while to "think about it" before proposing it. And during that time you don't want the other guy to mess around with it too much. Right?

Although that sounds like a pretty reasonable request, I'm not sure how it would be best implemented. I would suggest to just write on the chat to the other guy. "I'm still thinking about this trade, I will propose a configuration later today". He will probably understand.

A little chatting goes a long way! Hope that helps smile.

Re: Altering trades

Well, there's the thinking portion and then there's the messing around with options and then trying to remember what the default trade was supposed to look like before I started messing around.

I totally agree on the chatting and that's an acceptable work around, but the above situation is what I'm looking at. Also, I want to make sure that when I am messing around and I'd like to give the person options with hundreds of dollars while they have a few bucks on the line, when I close the browser and it shows I've made a configuration that I'm not actually proposing that deal.