Topic: Option to not increment inventory on tradelist add [feature request]
I am willing to bet I am in the minority so I understand completely if this request is low priority.
I have a vast collection of M:tg cards representing a significant investment over the past 16 years. One of the ways I control costs is to only keep a set of 4 of whatever cards I have and proxy them when necessary. I love the game but I am not going to invest $500 to use a set of Underground Seas in more than 1 deck.
With that in mind, adding to my tradelist is almost never going to increment my inventory. I am usually just deciding to let go of one I already own. So, it would be convenient for me, and possibly others like me, to have the option to never add tradelist cards to my inventory. It would make sense to have the setting placed in the settings menu under My Controls.
Thanks in advance!