Topic: Deck vs inventory [Feature req]

First of - Thanks for this very nice site big_smile

Feature: When searching for decks, it would be very cool if you could:
1) See which cards in the deck you have in your inventory.
2) See a percentage of the amount of cards you have in your inventory compared to the cards required in the deck.
3) Have a way to sort the decks in search according to the percentage of card matches you have - so that you could sort the decks on top, where you have 100% of the cards needed for the deck, in your inventory.

I really hope you will consider this feature.
Best regards

Last edited by Kilomil (2012-03-13 07:46:25)

Re: Deck vs inventory [Feature req]

Sounds interesting.

There have also been suggestions for a "Find similar decks" feature, maybe we can tie them together somehow.

Re: Deck vs inventory [Feature req]

sebi wrote:

Sounds interesting.

There have also been suggestions for a "Find similar decks" feature, maybe we can tie them together somehow.

Yes that would indeed also be a nice feature to find inspiration in other decks on how to enhance a deck smile

Re: Deck vs inventory [Feature req]

Good and Bad?

More like "Excellent" and "eh, I'll live".

This is definitely an Excellent idea. Always looking for inspiration or trying new things. It's basically what I have to do being so new.

Re: Deck vs inventory [Feature req]

Hellnikko wrote:

Good and Bad?

More like "Excellent" and "eh, I'll live".

This is definitely an Excellent idea. Always looking for inspiration or trying new things. It's basically what I have to do being so new.

Hehe, indeed. I just wanted to make it simple smile