Topic: Selling my collection of mythics/rares

Selling all of it for $150.

I will also trade if you have either a play set of tezzeret agent of bolas or a play set of inkmoth nexus or 2 Batterskull.

Re: Selling my collection of mythics/rares

Hnnnnngggg... my self restraint is at its limits. Why are you selling all of these?

Re: Selling my collection of mythics/rares

I really just want to make one great tezzeret deck lol

Re: Selling my collection of mythics/rares

Well if you don't get any offers I may be willing to buy some individual cards. Good luck smile

Re: Selling my collection of mythics/rares

Thank you

Re: Selling my collection of mythics/rares

What exactly do you mean by trading for inkmoth nexus or tezzeret or batterskull? You'd trade chunks of it away for those cards?