Topic: Filters and generating trade lists

Hey there!

I use this site to auto-generate lists of my cards for posting on forums and the like, and so far it works wonders. I've toyed around with a few different ways of listing them, and I have a few ideas for additional filters:

- Price greater than or less than a given amount (so I could look up all green cards more than a buck, for example).

- Some kind of filter for multi-coloured cards, since those are ordered after all mono-coloured cards according to Wizards's collector numbers.

I know these depend on the TCGPlayer API and probably some kind of strange query logic respectively, but I'd like to think more than just me would be interested in them. Thanks!

Re: Filters and generating trade lists

LootPinata wrote:

- Price greater than or less than a given amount (so I could look up all green cards more than a buck, for example).

I'd like to see this too!

LootPinata wrote:

- Some kind of filter for multi-coloured cards, since those are ordered after all mono-coloured cards according to Wizards's collector numbers.

I think the color filter set to "Exclusively All Of" will get you just multi-colored cards.

Re: Filters and generating trade lists

"Exclusively all of" will give me the cards that match exactly the colours I specify, but no others. Say I pick white and blue:

1. "All of" will give me cards that contain both white and blue in the cost, so I'll get gold and hybrid cards, including any that are WUB, WUG, etc.
2. "One of" will give me cards that contain either white or blue in the cost, so I'll get the same list as #1 but also with mono-coloured cards.
3. "Exclusively all of" will give me only the cards that are exactly white and blue, so just the UW cards from list 1.
4. "Exclusively one of" will give me only the mono-coloured cards from list 2.

If I want to see all of the multi-coloured cards, I basically need to combine 10 different sets of list #1, one for each colour pair. That's why it's so hard to program.

Re: Filters and generating trade lists

I see.  I did not realize you were looking for a filter to get you every possible multi-colored card that optionally matched your other search criteria.  I was under the impression your desired result set was more refined than that but you've explained the problem very well in this response.

If it's any consolation, the Deckbox admins strike me as the kind of people who are handy with SQL Unions wink

Re: Filters and generating trade lists

Both are very good ideas for filters, note taken!