Topic: Your opinion, ignore opponents enchantments or not

I'm tying to build a goblin deck and would like your opinion, should I try to address opponents enchantments or just rely on speed?

I have not played alot so your opinion will be very helpful.

Last edited by bmwrider (2012-04-08 17:58:10)

Re: Your opinion, ignore opponents enchantments or not

The short answer is no.  Just rely on speed. 

Goblins, as a deck, is an example of an extremely aggressive archetype.  Your goal is to focus exclusively on killing your opponent through fast damage.  To that end, there is no room in the main deck for enchantment removal, artifact removal, card draw or any other type of mechanic.  You just focus on beating face.

Another way of looking at it is that if your opponent is dead their enchantments don't matter.

Re: Your opinion, ignore opponents enchantments or not

So is there something I could do to make this deck faster

Re: Your opinion, ignore opponents enchantments or not

A super fast goblin build is expensive but if your committed to putting it together you should decide if you want to build a legacy version or standard version.  Legacy goblins, as of the time of writing this, costs anywhere from $400 to $1000 depending on the build and sideboard options.  Standard goblins is much cheaper but is also subject to set rotation and could rotate into obscurity in the near future...

Personally, I think your build is fine enough.  There are certainly areas that could be improved but if you were going to invest money into a particular deck I don't think goblins is the right choice...

All that being said I would like to leave you with something substantive instead of a meta discussion on goblins as an archetype. So, here goes...

Re: Your opinion, ignore opponents enchantments or not

Here's my personal goblin build:

It's legacy and has all the staple cards in the list.

Under the assumption that you aren't about to put together that list tomorrow let's take a look at your current build and talk about what can be changed reasonably.

Starting with the lands, I would drop all the non-basics and just run mountains.  Dormant Volcano and Dwarven Ruins aren't helping in the speed category since they come in to play tapped.

Moving on to the goblins, the list is fine enough.  None of them are particularly scary but they're goblins, their power is in numbers.  I am a big fan of the Ember Hauler in your list.  I think they are very useful and you should run 4 of them.  I think the Goblin Kings should be replaced by Goblin Chieftain since haste is your best weapon.  I also think you should get your hands on Spikeshot Elders (probably 4) because they are a really solid 1-drop. 

The other spells in this list are not very fantastic for a speed build IMHO.  Flinging 1/1s and 2/2s is a waste of a spell.  Fireball implies that you'll have enough mana to make it worth casting; you should be killing your opponent well before you have enough mana to justify fireball so I would drop all 4 of them.  Dragon Fodder is OK I guess.  There are better cards but there are certainly worse ones.  Goblin Scouts should probably get removed too.  5 mana is too much for a goblin deck in most cases. 

Goblin Caves and Goblin Shrine should be removed in favor of better spells.  Goblin Shrine isn't worth the spell slot and Goblin Caves isn't worth the risk.  Sure they work together but you have better things to cast on turn 3. 

Depending on whether you want to go legacy or standard dictates what cards you'd use to replace everything I suggested removing.  If you're going to stay legacy then some attainable cards that are great additions are Mogg War Marshal, Goblin Ringleader, Goblin Warchief, Gempalm Incinerator and Goblin Matron.  I highly recommend running 4 of all of them except the warchief, 3 of them is a good number.

The next card I would chase for a legacy build would be Aether Vial followed by Goblin Lackey and finally Goblin Piledriver.  The piledrivers make the deck ridiculous but they are so expensive.

If you wanted to turn the deck into a standard deck I don't have as many suggestions since standard goblins isn't exactly a popular build.  I've seen a build that ran more burn and Hellriders that did OK.  That's about all I know; I wish you luck!