Topic: Darkslick Shores and Drowned catacomb for Trade

I would like to trade these off in either a set of 2, or a set of 4.
I have 4 Darkslick, and 6 Drowned catacomb(one jap).

I'd be most interested in doing 4 darkslick for 2 Sorin, Lord of Innistrad and a non promo Hero of Bladehold.
I'd also be interested in trading for other pieces from my want list, and I want most of the new rares from AVR as fodder, or as a whole trade if possible.

Leave me some offers if you're ever so slightly interested.

Re: Darkslick Shores and Drowned catacomb for Trade

I noticed you also had Liliana of the Veil on your wishlist. I sent you an offer for those.